Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Story 1 - Part 1

.... "The ride over was hell! You alright?" ....

A familiar hand rests on your shoulder as you gasp for air. Nearly choking to catch a breath, the only thing you can do is nod your head in response. The sea sickness hasn't fully worn off yet, and the pill you took on the ship didn't help at all. As the world slowly stops spinning around you, you can finally regain your composure. You stand up, legs still wobbly, and walk over to your group.

You take a look around, visually scanning the area. The beach is long, and empty. You notice a small glimmer in the moonlight far to the east. About 80 yards south from the shore is a small row of houses. Three unlit homes sit silently in the night, hidden in the shadows of the nearby trees. The moon creates an eerie glow on the windows. Your stomach knots up as you stare at the empty buildings. To the west, you see nothing but the woods that cross spread all the way out to the water. Out north is where you came from, the water. Looking out into the sea makes your stomach do a flip again as you replay the trip in your head.

"We have ten hours until go time! I suggest you guys get set up for the night and rest. We'll be moving no later than 7." Your good friend Jones briefs everybody again, he's always been a natural born leader. That along with your long history with him back home are the reasons you decided to accept this assignment with him. It definitely isn't because the job sounded like fun. Work is work, and something tells you this wont be a pleasant run.

As you walk, still trying to get used to the idea of being back on the land, you can't help but wonder what is shining in the moon's glow up the shore. You take a few steps in the direction of the object and make a sudden stop when the sound of the ship's engine distracts you.  Looking back, the ship has pulled away from the shore. You guys are on your own now. You have 9 hours left until you move.

What Now?

1 comment:

  1. **Seth Stafford** - Check out the Shiny!

    **Trevor Patrick McDaniel** - agreed, check out the shinny

    **Marvin Brock** - One of you chase after the boat and the other investigates the shiny unknown.

    **Trenton Asbury** - agree, investigate
