Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Story 1 - Part 3

You grab a shotgun and a sub-machine gun from the case on the beach. After double checking for ammo you begin heading back to your group. The sound of the gun fight is slowing down a bit. Worried your friends may be in desperate need of assistance, you pick up your pace. The trip back only took about an hour, but you're a little winded now.

When you arrive back in the area, you don't see or hear anybody. The shooting is done and it appears you missed out on the action. The radio static has completely faded away, returning to silence as normal. You find a nice sized rock for additional cover, and use your radio to contact Jones again.

"We were attacked! They came out of nowhere. Woods and Patrick are gone. I need you here now, I'm pinned down inside th-" You had to turn your radio off during Jones' reply to keep from being found. Footsteps are shuffling in the leaves near you. You peek over the rock to investigate, and see Woods. He's slowly walking around, as if he were lost. "Woodsy!" you yell at him to grab his attention.

Woods turns his head sharply in your direction. His face has a bad cut on it, almost like it was torn. His jaw appears to be badly broken and hanging from his face. Blood stains the front of his uniform and covers his hands and feet. His eyes seem distant, yet aware enough to spot you behind your cover. A bone chilling growl escapes his mouth and he immediately rushes in your direction.

He dives over the rock and tackles you to the ground. His hands grip tightly around your throat, and he starts slamming your head into the ground. You manage to wrestle him off of you and start running. Within seconds, he catches up to you. He throws you down face first into a pile of rocks. You're shaken as he begins to hit you repeatedly. You kick him and he staggers back, giving you time to pull your pistol out. As he charges again, you steady your weapon and take a shot. Woods falls to the ground, motionless.

You reach for your radio to contact Jones again. Unfortunately, the struggle has broken your only way to contact him. You check Woods' body for his radio, but it's nowhere to be found. The only way to get to Jones now is to find him. He could be in any of the houses, if he's still in the area. God only knows what happened to Patrick. Time to take action.

What Now?


  1. **Seth Stafford** - Proceed cautiously, gun ready, and check the houses starting left to right.

  2. yes ovbiously you have to devise a plan and search for him... :)
