Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Story 1 - Part 2

Jones and Woods head towards the row of creepy houses. You glance over and see Patrick staring out into the sea, watching the ship disappear into the night. The intriguing object sticks in your mind. You want to know what it is, so you begin your walk to the east.

The walk seems to take forever. Looking down at your watch, you realize you've been walking for over an hour. When you finally reach the object, you've been gone from the group for two and a half hours. Looking back the houses look small enough to pick up and stuff into your pocket, which is more than you can say about the shining object you just walked to.

A big metal case is what attracted your attention from the group. The light from the moon bounces off of the clean surface of it. The case has a lock on it, and no kind of label to let you know what's inside. There is no way you walked that kind of distance just to walk away without finding out what the case holds. With no hope of finding a key to fit the lock, you pull your picks out of your bag. Good thing you're excellent at picking locks, or else you would need to break it.

"Gotcha!" You smile as the lock pops open, granting you access to the case. It opens with ease, revealing a small aresenal of firearms tucked inside. There's two pistols, a shotgun, a sub-machine gun and enough ammo to take out a small army. The things you can find just laying around is pretty amazing. You stare, locked in a daze, into the case only to be interrupted by the sound of gunfire in the distance.

You quickly stand, and look to the west. The firefight seems to be back where your group was dropped off. One hand reaches down and sits ready on your sidearm while you grab your radio with the other. You call out to Jones to see what's going on, but only static can be heard on the line. Looks like you won't be getting a response any time soon. It's been three hours since you left the group.

What Now?

1 comment:

  1. **Seth Stafford** - Gotta check it out :)

    **Brandon Abbott** - Take the case, and flank the area you came from in stealth as to have an upper hand with a surprise attack if need be. Stay hidden in the shadows and quiet keeping at least two escape routes in sight if those zombies horde you from out of nowhere.

    **Trevor Patrick McDaniel** Well, I would have to agree with the flank but I would take two pistols and a shotgun fuck the machine gun. If my buddies are alive, great they can help me fuck some shit up, if not, looks like I'm Goin Rambo on some hoes lol. Zombies? Nice, can't forget about them that's how people get got lmao
